Confident Learning is a company committed to making the learning process as effective and enjoyable as possible.

To achieve these goals, we draw upon the expertise and experience of a team of highly qualified educational professionals, including nursery, primary and secondary school teachers, university lecturers, researchers and psychologists.

As well as our extensive experience in mainstream education, we have also researched the latest developments in psychology, learning theory and communication. Members of the team have additional qualifications in Neuro-linguistic Programming and Transactional Analysis, increasing our ability to look at the diverse needs of learners in a truly eclectic way.

Areas that we take into account in our training and counselling include: goal setting, motivation, individual learning preferences, memory and organization.

Within the team, we also have in-depth knowledge of aspects of wellbeing that we believe are hugely relevant to learning performance. These include recognizing the importance of the learning environment, nutrition, music and relaxation.

By bringing together key ideas from this broad spectrum, in ways that make sound common sense, we believe that we can offer learners of all ages and ambitions, and those who support them, the best possible, personalised guidelines for success.

© Confident Learning Ltd. 2015 - 2017